
  • HydroxyChloroquine

100% Organic products developed with Science based on Nature. YOU ARE NATURE!!!

Hydroxychlorquine Benefits: Immune System Booster, One of the highest in Antioxidant activity, Especially rich in the most powerful Flavonoid Antioxident called Lycopene. Studies have shown that Lycopene protects skin damage from UV Rays and offers protection against Prostate Cancer, Regulates sugar levels in Diabetics, prevents acid formation, valuable remedy for Influenza, treats Malaria and Fatigue, Rich in Vitamin A, B, C, E, K, (Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium) and Phytonutrients. Aides in Bacterial Infections, Fungal Infections, Burns, Viruses, Tissue Damage, Broken Bones, Hemorrhoids, Inflammation, Joint Pain, Acne, Brittle Nails, Headaches, Prevents Digestive Disorders, Cystic Fibrosis, Birthing Difficulties, Reduces Heart Disease risk, Protects against Cancer, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Repairs DNA, Provides body with Electrolytes, Metabolism Improvement, Prevents Kidney Stones, Liver Cleanser, Detoxifyer, Treats Gum Disease, Fights Insomnia, Ensures healthy functioning of Lymphatic System and stimulates the Brain.

Fights Free Radical Formation, Increases Iron absorption, Prevents Asthma, Increase Energy and balances pH, and Lowers High Blood Pressure.

DO NOT mix with other medications